Narrative Therapy Intervention Research on the Plight of Family Caregivers of the Elderly with Dementia
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DOI: 10.25236/wccbm.2021.008
Yin Gao, Xiumei Ma, Xuewen Yang, Hongjuan Wei, Yingyan Zhang, Wei Liu, Yuexian Ma, Weixin Zhang, Liqun Yang
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Hongjuan Wei
At present, the population of the elderly and older people in China is growing rapidly, and the demented elderly are the ??specially disadvantaged groups?? that are not universally cared for at the moment. At present, the domestic elderly care system and social care for the demented elderly are still lacking. As a result, the demented elderly are mostly taken care of by the family, which inevitably leads to a series of social problems such as social welfare and pension. In particular, the plight of family caregivers seriously affects their healthy life, family development and social harmony. In order to enrich the practical research field of caregivers for the elderly with dementia, the author used narrative therapy as th
Family caregivers, Elderly dementia, Narrative therapy intervention