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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Information Ethics Problems and Countermeasures of E-commerce in the Era of Big Data

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DOI: 10.25236/icidel.2017.047


Xueyuan Wang, Jiajun Dang, and Wenyao Qu

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Xueyuan Wang


In the era of big data, massive and precise data are obtained by network technology to promote the exchange of data and information in e-commerce. However, when the era of big data brings huge database for the development of e-commerce, some electronic commerce participants take a series of improper means in the process of using information, which triggers a series of information ethics problems. Firstly, this paper summarized the concept of information ethics problems in e-commerce activities under the era of big data, and then it elaborates the infringement of privacy and intellectual property rights problems, the problem of false information, illegal information exchange problems, and puts forward the countermeasures to provide a new way to solve the problems of information ethics in electronic commerce.


Information ethics, E-commerce, Big data.