Study on Preparation and Quality Standard of compound Antibacterial Gel of DianDaoSan
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DOI: 10.25236/icmbmm.2018.66
Gao Ting, Long Guangchi, Xu Yunhua, Zeng Zuting, Yang Min
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Yang Min
The objective of this paper is to prepare the compound antibacterial gel of DianDaoSan and establish the quality standard of the compound antibacterial gel of DianDaoSan. The investigation of gel matrix compound Diandao pulvis antibacterial gel dosage, namely, the effect of Carbomer, triethanolamine, glycerol contenton antibacterial compound DianDao pulvis gel appearance uniformity, viscosity, stability of cold thermalstability and centrifugal stability, screen out the best process. The results show that Carbomer, glycerol and when the dosage of triethanolamine is 0.8g,3g,0.7g, the gel has a good homgenization and viscosity, the cold resistant, heat resistant and centrifuge are more stable. In this subject, the preparation technology and quality standard of this preparation are studied to provide reference for the future research and development of the new drug delivery system for the treatment of acne.
Compound upside down powder, Carbomer, glycerol, Triethanolamine, Gelatin, Quality standard.