Major Problems and Countermeasures in the Development of Electronic Commerce of Fresh Agricultural Products
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DOI: 10.25236/edssr.2020.099
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Lv Xiaoyong
The e-commerce of fresh agricultural products in our country has developed very quickly, which has played an important role in innovating the circulation mode of agricultural products and solving the problem of "three rural areas ", especially the economic development of rural areas, the optimization of industrial structure, the mode of production, income and consumption of farmers. At present, the e-commerce of fresh agricultural products in China is also facing some problems in the process of development, such as the production quality of fresh agricultural products, logistics and transportation costs, consumer problems and so on. On the basis of expounding the problems faced in the development process of e-commerce of fresh agricultural products, this paper proposes corresponding countermeasures to promote the healthy and sustainable development of e-commerce of fresh agricultural products.
Fresh Agricultural Products, E-Commerce, Problems, Countermeasures