Research on China's “the Belt and Road Initiative” Cooperation Strategy Based on the New Situation of International Regional Economic Cooperation
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DOI: 10.25236/edssr.2020.070
Yaqi Yao, Chunlei Li, Yifan Yang, Zhixin Shao, Jun CHEN
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Yaqi Yao
“One Belt One Road” is China's current main strategy for foreign economic development. This strategy better caters to the requirements of globalization and brings tremendous energy in promoting the development of regional economic cooperation and creating more well-being for the people of countries along the route. China’s “One Belt, One Road” is the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”. It is a major decision made in response to the development of economic globalization and changes in the global economic situation. After entering the new century, China's economy is in a period of rapid development, which is inseparable from the continuous development of economic globalization and the continuous progress of the regional economy. How to make better use of the “Belt and Road” strategy to promote international regional economic cooperation is the main direction of current research in the field of economic development. Starting from the new situation of international regional economic cooperation, this article analyzes the important strategic significance of China's implementation of the “Belt and Road” construction, and makes relevant reflections on the key points of the “Belt and Road” strategic construction.
The belt and road initiative, Regional economic cooperation, Strategic significance