Research on Marketing Strategies of Real Estate Service in China in the Era of Big Data
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DOI: 10.25236/edssr.2020.039
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Yibing Shen
Due to the progress of science and technology and the significant improvement of social productivity, on the one hand, industrial upgrading and professional development of production are accelerating day by day, and the service content of products, namely the service intensity of products, is increasing day by day. On the other hand, with the improvement of labor productivity, the market turns to a buyer's market, and with the improvement of income level, consumer demand gradually changes, and the level of demand also increases correspondingly, and expands in the direction of diversification [1]. In this case, in the real estate industry, service marketing becomes more and more important. However, the real estate industry as a whole still pays little attention to the service marketing, and the after-sales service of the real estate is not perfect, leading to the problems such as the non-standard real estate service and the lack of training of service personnel. Therefore, real estate developers should establish efficient and professional service centers, regularly carry out training for real estate sales personnel, and improve the level of pre-sale, in-sale and after-sales service. This paper will analyze the existing problems in the real estate industry, and put forward reasonable solutions to the corresponding problems. Through the in-depth study of China's real estate service marketing, it is beneficial to play the overall effect for the benefit of enterprises, and provide reference countermeasures for improving the overall market competitiveness of the real estate industry.
Big data, Real estate, Service marketing, Strategy