Research on Turbocharger Impeller Processing Technology
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DOI: 10.25236/icmbmm.2018.36
Zou Jinhong, Zhang Jie, Ye Lan
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Zou Jinhong
With the increase of the oil price and the increasingly strict emission regulations, the energy saving and emission reduction technology of the engine has been paid more and more attention. The exhaust gas turbocharging technology can greatly reduce the fuel consumption of the internal combustion engine. In recent years, in order to optimize the performance of turbocharger, the internal flow field of turbocharger has been studied more and more. The performance of compressor was simulated by CFD technology, and the data that were difficult to obtain in the experiment were obtained. The design of compressor was optimized by CFD method. The low speed surge and high fuel consumption of turbocharger are optimized. The performance of compressor was analyzed by CFD method. According to the calculation results, the structure improvement scheme of impeller is proposed and test verification and analysis are carried out.
Turbocharger, The impeller, Processing.