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A Study on Indoor Light Distribution and Optimization Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm

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DOI: 10.25236/cseem.2020.025


Chi Zhang

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Chi Zhang


Traditional classroom illumination often employs uniform distribution of lights. However, this distribution has a disadvantage: It makes the illuminances of different areas in the classroom uneven. The central parts of the classroom are better lit, while those near the boundary are darker. Since the human eye is suited for a certain range of illuminance, the unevenness of illumination makes brighter areas too bright and darker areas too dark, which severely damages students' eyesight. To solve this kind of problem, we need to optimize the distribution of lights in classrooms. This article first sets up a mathematical model for the physical process of illumination with the core framework of the “3-D geometric projection model”, the “convex polygon intersection model” and the “lattice point marking model”, Secondly, based on our model, we optimized the positions of lights with the simulated annealing algorithm.


Simulated annealing algorithm, Indoor lighting, Uniformity of illuminance, Optimization of light distribution