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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Creativity and Application Value of Glass Art

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DOI: 10.25236/ICHCAD.2020.063


Yichu Yu

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Yichu Yu


Glass has a long history. According to the latest archaeological and historical research results of glass, the birthplace of glass must be the ancient Egyptian method with a long history of Middle East or Nile civilization. Today, human beings step into the door of the information society. Great changes have taken place in human ideology and social structure. In this rapidly changing world, the development of glass art products is an opportunity and challenge. At present, the research on glass art at home and abroad mainly focuses on glass material manufacturing process, art form, art works and glass artists, and the research in related fields is basically limited in the field of material technology and art products. Therefore, this paper attempts to make a systematic and detailed analysis and Research on the application value of glass art products from the perspective of industrial revolution and industry.


Glass Art; Creativity; Application Value