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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Study on Localization of Zitong Wenchang Culture in Japan

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DOI: 10.25236/ICHCAD.2020.014


Xia Wang

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Xia Wang


In recent years, with the continuous development and progress of Wenchang culture, it has gradually received academic attention. The Golden period of Cultural exchange between China and Japan in sui and Tang Dynasties. The main way of cultural exchange was that Japan sent envoys of Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, overseas students and learning monks to China, and these sent envoys of Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, overseas students and learning monks to China to study Chinese culture and bring back a large number of books. Similarly, Chinese emissaries, monks and merchant ships to Study in Japan also played a role in spreading culture. With the introduction of wenchang related books into Japan. Wenchang culture has a certain influence on the life and work of Japanese people.


Zitong wenchang culture; Japan; Development in localization