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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Integrating Mathematics into Students' Life: Primary School Mathematics Teaching from the Perspective of Core Literacy

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DOI: 10.25236/icembe.2020.154


Li Yong, Qian Shizhu

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Li Yong


With the deepening and reform of the new curriculum reform, our society and schools pay more and more attention to quality education. In the teaching process, we not only pay attention to students' mastery of basic knowledge, but also make requirements for students' core literacy, so that students can obtain more comprehensive and comprehensive development and provide needed talents for the society. As one of the important subjects in primary school, primary school mathematics also needs to pay attention to the cultivation of students' core literacy in the teaching process. In addition, due to the psychological characteristics of primary school students, teachers can use a variety of teaching methods to stimulate students' interest in learning, so as to arouse students' learning enthusiasm and cultivate their comprehensive ability. Based on the connotation of core literacy, this paper analyzes the factors that influence the cultivation of core literacy of primary school mathematics, and puts forward some teaching strategies of primary school mathematics from the perspective of core literacy, hoping to integrate mathematics into students' lives.


Core literacy, Primary school mathematics, Teaching strategy