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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Impact of Organizational Redundancy on Enterprise Performance in the Transition Economy

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DOI: 10.25236/icebmi.2020.035


Jiaoqi Wang

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Jiaoqi Wang


China has established a strong competitiveness, a complete range of enterprise system, and become the world's largest manufacturing country after years of reform and opening up. However, with the rapid growth of enterprise scale in China, many contradictions have been accumulated. The most prominent among them is the structural problem of the coexistence of overcapacity and insufficient capacity. This phenomenon reflects that organizational redundancy and its configuration are the focus of our attention. At present, China is in the context of economic transformation. Organizational redundancy is divided into two categories, absorbed redundancy and slack, in this paper and its impact on enterprise performance is also explored with some valuable practical suggestions, in order to rationally allocate redundant resources and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.


Transformation of the Economic, Redundancy Has Been Absorbed, Slack Redundancy, Enterprise Performance