Research on the Relevance of Chinese Education and Chinese Language and Literature Education Based on Cultural Confidence
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DOI: 10.25236/ietrc.2020.001
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Yuhong Li
Chinese education is an indispensable part of the whole education system in our country. It is the foundation of other lessons and an important way to inherit the Chinese culture. However, due to the influence of traditional education concepts, many schools neglect to carry out Chinese language and literature education for students in the process of carrying out Chinese language and literature education, which separates the connection between Chinese language and literature education and Chinese education and is not conducive to the realization of interactive communication between the two. Therefore, based on the perspective of cultural self-confidence, this paper conducts a series of researches and reflections on the relationship between the current Chinese language and literature education and Chinese education, so as to make the basic stage of Chinese education better transition to the professional study of Chinese language and literature in higher education, and further realize the all-round development of talents through this effective and cohesive Chinese education mode.
Cultural confidence, Chinese education, Chinese language and literature education, Relevance