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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Process Research on the Establishment of “Market” Concept in Chinese State-owned Enterprises Reform

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DOI: 10.25236/icepbm.2018.54


Chunyu Li

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Chunyu Li


The reform of the state-owned enterprises is the central link in the economic reform of China. The reform of state-owned enterprises experienced two stages, which are delegating powers and benefits and divergence between control rights and cash-flow rights. At present, China has entered into the stage of establishing a modern enterprise system and strategic adjustment. In the process of marketization, meanwhile, a lot of difficult problems appear. In this paper, a large number of documents are used to analyze the cases of marketization reform of state-owned enterprises and the ways of dealing with them in other countries to explore the process of marketization and market concept.


State-owned enterprises reform, Market economy, Marketization.