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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

On the Construction of SPOC Curriculum in Applied Technology University

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DOI: 10.25236/ic3er.2019.071


Yuan Tang, Chengli Hua, Jufang Li, Min Li, Pandi Mao

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Yuan Tang


In contemporary society, the unfair education resources in the area have been broken through online education on the Internet, which makes it possible for everyone to enjoy equal education. In this paper, three aspects of the small private online course (SPOC), SPOC platform and development of learning resources for teaching model were discussed in detail to preliminary explore the path or method for establishing SPOC a school of technology and application. It has important significance in promoting the construction of high-quality SPOC, the sharing of educational resources and the reform and development of university teaching.


Online Education; SPOC; MOOC; Micro-video