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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Realization of Objectives of Professional Degree Masters’ Education from the Perspective of Stakeholder Management

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DOI: 10.25236/ic3er.2019.056


Zhengxuan Zhu, Yanxin Cai and Xuan Luo

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Zhengxuan Zhu


Influenced by a variety of factors, the supply of Chinese professional degree masters can’t completely match the demand for it in the structure, quality and level. And the degree of the integration of industry and education is still poor. Therefore, this paper adopts the stakeholder management theory to identify and classify the stakeholders of professional degree masters’ education, then develops management strategies by recognizing the interests of core stakeholders to arouse the enthusiasm of stakeholders and improve the accomplishment degree of education goals.


Stakeholder management; integration of production and education; the education of professional degree master