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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis of Inefficient Investment Behavior of State-owned Enterprises

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DOI: 10.25236/ssehr.2019.064


Xiuyan Xu

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Xiuyan Xu


The unique characteristics of the property rights of state-owned enterprises determine the complexity of their investment behavior. The investment activities of state-owned enterprises are an important part of promoting the sustained, rapid, and healthy development of the national economy, and they are responsible for promoting the national economic growth. Therefore, it has always attracted much attention from all walks of life. The investment efficiency of state-owned enterprises has a significant impact on the future expansion of the enterprise and economic benefits. However, in actual operation, due to some practical issues, such as property rights structure, corporate management, administrative intervention, etc., the inefficient investment behavior of state-owned enterprises is frequent. To analyze the reasons behind this behavior and deeply explore the solution strategies is important and meaningful.


State-owned enterprises; debt paying ability; asset operation; inefficient investment; approval risk