The Research of Impact of Quantum Entanglement and Decoherence on Determinative Remote Preparation
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DOI: 10.25236/wccece.2018.37
Zhaohua Wang, Liqing Ren, Hanying Wang
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Zhaohua Wang
In this paper, two problems of quantum entanglement and decoherence are analyzed. Firstly, remote implementation scheme is analyzed, and situation of bit consumption is grasped after the scheme is finalized. Then, the entanglement elimination and coherence phenomenon are analyzed from the analysis and remote preparation process. And through the influence of this phenomenon on the system, it is known that in the process of polarization, the choice of the longitude of the target quantum in the Bloch sphere gradually does not relate to the fidelity of the system, but only relate to the size of the decoherence.
Quantum entanglement, determinative, remote preparation, impact.