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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

User Experience (UX) Design: Improving Travel Experience for Solo Travelers

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DOI: 10.25236/iclahd.2019.008


Yingdao Jiang, Peng Han and Xiaochen Lv

Corresponding Author

Yingdao Jiang


The purpose of this paper is to propose user interface design for a travel app to the improve travel experience for people who travel alone. The process of improving the user experience was divided into three parts. First, the concept of solo travel, mobile travel trends, and user experiences were researched through previous research and statistics. Second, solo travelers’ needs were determined by interviewing people who have experienced traveling alone at least once, and pain points and potential opportunities were discovered through the Persona and User Journey Map based on the results of the interview. Third, a visual representation of travel apps’ user interface design was created and a usability test was employed to verify that the design fits user needs.


User Interface; Solo Travelers; User Experience; User Journey Map