Research on the Single Line Management Mode of Music Education Major in Colleges and Universities in China Based on Classroom Environment
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DOI: 10.25236/ILECL.2019.005
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Hao Wenjie
The particularity of music education in ordinary colleges and universities determines its importance in the process of conveying talents at all levels for the needs of national economic and technological transformation and industrial structure reform. The shortage of music teaching in colleges and universities has become a representative social problem. In order to solve these shortcomings, many universities are actively seeking music teaching methods suitable for Chinese higher education, sorting out brand-new teaching modes and digging out new teaching concepts through reform and innovation. In the music classroom, teachers should follow the requirements of the new curriculum standard, reflect the characteristics of quality education, and create an interesting music classroom environment with diversified teaching methods, which is helpful to stimulate students' independent learning ability and expand students' music learning range. Based on the analysis of the current situation of music management in colleges and universities in China, this paper puts forward a preliminary idea of improving the management system, with a view to promoting the research on the management mode of public music education in colleges and universities.
Classroom environment; Music education in colleges and universities; Single line management mode