Analysis and Comparison of "Fragmentation" Social Security Systems in Foreign Countries
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DOI: 10.25236/iccems.2018.24
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Guangzhi Guo
This paper analyzes pension and medical insurance systems of foreign countries, and classifies these social security systems as three patterns according to their "fragmentation" degrees. The first pattern is the integration of urban and rural areas, and the uniform social security system; this pattern is represented by Britain and Switzerland. The second pattern is different systems in urban and rural areas, and establishing rural social security system in specialty; this pattern is represented by Germany and India (medical security system). The third pattern is designing systems according to target crowds; urban and rural systems share some content. This pattern is represented by France, Japan, India (pension system), South Korea, Brazil, Mexico and Spain. On that basis, this paper compares and evaluates the three patterns from three aspects of financial pressure, difficulty of system management and fairness.
Social security, Fragmentation, Pattern, Comparison.