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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

On the Symbolic Meaning of “White” in American Literature and Culture

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DOI: 10.25236/ADMC.2019.069


Yinuo Wang

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Yinuo Wang


American culture is different from Chinese culture. The United States advocates elite governance and takes “white” culture as the leading role. From the point of view of the American people, “white” is not only a physiological feature, but also plays an important role in their literature and culture. During the development of the United States for more than 200 years, “white” has been given a unique and profound symbolic significance. The American people believe that it symbolizes nobility, purity and racial superiority, and is treated with worship and respect. It represents values and social status to in America. Therefore, “white” is of vital symbolic significance in American literature and culture. Based on this, this paper explores the symbolic meaning of “white” in American literature and culture.


American; literature and culture; “white”; symbolic meaning