Promoting Reading Strategies with Experiential Teaching in the Context of Smart Libraries
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DOI: 10.25236/acaelt.2019.362
Li Jing, Liu Yongling, Wang Liang
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Li Jing
With the development of the Internet, the intelligent library has gained a huge space for development in the management of libraries in colleges and universities. At the same time, the smart library has brought a huge driving force for the development of university libraries. However, the wisdom library brings great potential to the development of university libraries, and it also faces greater challenges in the development of university libraries. In the context of smart libraries, college students' reading habits and information acquisition methods have undergone tremendous changes. For the current situation of college students' existing mobile phone control and non-reading, although the college has launched related reading activities, the effect is not obvious. Therefore, the use of smart libraries, as well as new media and other tools, to promote experiential reading, improve library resource utilization, and improve the reading habits of students is of great significance.
Wisdom library; Experiential; Promote reading; Strategy