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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Sticking to the original intention: the bottleneck and innovation of Chinese education in the new era

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DOI: 10.25236/acaelt.2019.269


Li Fawu

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Li Fawu


It is very important for the development of the whole society for education to stick to a good beginning and undertake a good mission. China has entered a new era. The level of education and the quality of personnel training should take the lead in moving towards the new era. However, in the current stage of education, there are some problems in sticking to the original intention and undertaking the mission, such as the deviation of the goal, the differentiation of the main body's understanding, and the serious external influence. Only from the reform and innovation of the school running system and mechanism, management and service means, and comprehensive influencing factors, can we make education break through the bottleneck of development and move into a new era.


Education; First thoughts; Bottleneck; Innovation