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An Approach to Vietnam Geopolitical Vulnerability and Policy Implications

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DOI: 10.25236/cstss.2019.081


Li Fei, Dong Suocheng

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Li Fei


The current global geopolitical and geo-economic structure is undergoing dramatic changes, which have a profound impact on the complexity of Vietnam's geo-environment and its geographical vulnerability. Systematic study of Vietnam's national geographical vulnerability has important theoretical and practical significance for China's “Belt and Road” construction and surrounding geopolitical policies. Based on the geopolitics and human-land aerial systems and other theories and methods, this study determines the scopes of national geopolitical vulnerability scheme from the aspects of exposure, sensitivity and adaptability, with combination of normative analysis and empirical analysis, and analyzes national geographical vulnerability characteristics of Vietnam. It is of geopolitical significance implication for diplomatic policies.


National geographical vulnerability, Geopolitical distribution, Vietnam