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The Construction of Ideological and Political Education System for College Students from the Perspective of Synergetic Theory

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DOI: 10.25236/cstss.2019.070


Niu Linlin, Wang Jingshuang

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Niu Linlin


With the rapid development of society, great changes have taken place in the cultural environment, campus environment and network environment of colleges and universities in China. The diversification of culture and ideology has brought great impact on the ideology of college students, and brought difficulties and challenges to the ideological and political work of college students. Based on this, colleges and universities should consider how to carry out ideological and political education for college students. Strengthening the ideological and political education of college students from the aspect of overall coordination can effectively improve the effectiveness of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities.


Synergetic theory, ideological and political education of college students, necessity