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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The Power of Life -- Comments on Sense and Nonsense by Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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DOI: 10.25236/cstss.2019.042


Yuze Zheng

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Yuze Zheng


Philosophy is the product of human reason and the spiritual behavior of thinking about the essential dimension of the world. When rational thinking tries the best to explore the whole meaning of existence, the existence of the world as a whole has lost its sense of wholeness and deep experience at the mercy of such rational knowledge. It has become a cold object only for understanding and thinking. Merleau-Ponty believes that philosophy is not a pure and blameless act of knowledge, and that the world is not a soulless object. Philosophy should not only be an onlooker, but also provide a positive attitude towards life, respect individual experience to re-examine the world planned by reason and knowledge which lacks its truth.


Philosophy, existence, world