Evaluation-based Stereological Study of Oligodendrocytes in Hippocampus of Depressive Rats
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DOI: 10.25236/cmph.2019.013
Lijun Han, Zhiheng Wang, Tinghuizi Shang, Ping Chen
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Lijun Han
Purpose:To investigate the changes of CNPase + oligodendrocyte in hippocampal subareas of chronic unpredicTable stress depression model rats. Methods: Four to six weeks male rats were randomly divided into 15 control groups and 20 rats used to establish depression model. The depression rat model was established by CUS combined with orphan model for four weeks. Ten adult rats were selected by sugarwater preference test. At the same time, the behavioral level of control group and CUS model group was evaluated by forced swimming and open field experiment. Accurate three-dimensional quantitative study of the number of CNPase+ oligodendrocytes in rat hippocampus was performed by immunohistochemistry combined with modern stereology. Results :The results showed that the body weight, percentage of syrup and water, and open field test scores of the CUS model group were significantly lower than those of the control group, and the forced swimming time was significantly increased (p<0.05, p<0.05, p<0.05, p< 0.05). Conclusion: The total number of synapses and synaptic density in hippocampus DG of depression model rats are decreased, which indicates that oligodendrocyte changes may be one of the important neural structural bases for depression onset.
Rat hippocampus; Oligodendrocyte; Immunohistochemistry; Stereology