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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

The precise poverty targeting mechanism construction in Ethnic Areas

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DOI: 10.25236/humal.2017.71


CHEN Zhongwei

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CHEN Zhongwei


Poverty in ethnic areas is characterized by historic, complex, fragile and sensitive characteristics. From the poverty alleviation goals precision of ethnic area is the core, the precise poverty poverty target batch classification is the foundation of national and regional poverty alleviation accurate precise poverty targeting mechanism needs three aspects of minority area poverty alleviation precise targeting mechanism construction causes the target. Put forward to improve the national minority area poverty line, the poor recognition is introduced in the design of land index, introduction of gender sensitive indicators in poor definition and segmentation standard and establish the poor recognition mechanism allows the poor people to participate in four major countermeasures to promote ethnic construction precision aiming mechanism of poverty alleviation.


Ethnic areas; precise poverty; poverty alleviation; targeting mechanism; path construction