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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the construct of the innovative ecosystem and its operating regime of the technology enterprises in Xi’an

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DOI: 10.25236/humal.2017.30


Wang Yan

Corresponding Author

Wang Yan


In the recent industrial and economic developmental planning of China, to support the development of the high-tech industry has been put forward; the local government also should play a leading role on the development of the high-tech industry. For example, the government should support the technology enterprises and construct the good developmental ecosystem. Although the municipal government of Xi’an is promoting the development of the technology enterprises, but there are still a lot of outstanding problems, and there also are no the sound and effective ecosystem and the operative regime. This thesis researches the construction of the innovative ecosystem and the operative regime of the technology enterprises in Xi’an, analyzes some present problems, and puts forward some relevant countermeasures and suggestions.


Xi’an; Technology Enterprise; Innovative Ecosystem; Operative Regime