An Experimental Study on the Bi-syllable in Guangling Dialect
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DOI: 10.25236/fmess.2017.54
Hongjie Wang, Yonghong Li
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Yonghong Li
In this paper, the experimental phonetics method is used to analyze the bi-syllable tone of Guangling dialect, the fifth degree value is obtained by normalizing the double word fundamental frequency. After comparing with the mono-syllable, we found that 1) the front words and back words in the bi-syllable words of Guangling dialect are both changed. On the tone, there are two types of tone transposition and non-transposable tone. 2) in all the bi-syllable words, the post-word value is generally low. 3) Guangling dialect also found a total of seven tone pattern.
Guangling dialect, bi-syllable, tone, phonetic experiment, pitch.