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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Comparative Analysis of Energy in “Hua'er” Folk Song Acoustics

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DOI: 10.25236/fmess.2017.53


Yanbing Ding, Yonghong Li

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Yonghong Li


“Hua'er” folk song is the first project in Gansu that has won title of "World Intangible Cultural Heritage", and is an important part of folk songs of Northwest China. This paper, through comparative analysis of the energy differences between a number of “Hua'er” songs' male and female voices' singing, explores the acoustic characteristics thereof, and draws such conclusions: when speakers are singing “Hua'er”, the energy of male and female voices tends towards concentrated distribution on the whole, and taking on normal distribution; when male voices are singing, the energy span is greater than female voices and the energy distribution is more concentrated, while female voices’ energy is dispersed and clearly cadenced.


"Hua'er", Energy, Acoustic Analysis.