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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Determination of rationalization in EPC mode and its incentive mechanism research

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DOI: 10.25236/busem.2017.57


Shumin Li

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Shumin Li


EPC project general contracting model to high-speed, low-cost construction of high-rise buildings and large-scale industrial projects and become the international construction projects widely used in one of the general contracting. With the development of the "one side" strategy, the EPC general contracting model of design and construction procurement has been vigorously promoted in China. EPC mode, the contractor is responsible for the design, construction, procurement, and its quality, safety, duration, cost fully responsible. The contractor advises the contractor to reduce the cost of the project, shorten the construction period and benefit both parties. This paper uses the method of literature analysis to define the main situation of the rationalization proposal of the contractor in the existing research, and make a quantitative study on the incentive amount of the contractor's rationalization proposal to reduce the cost of the contractor.


Rationalization of the proposed scope,Reduce the cost of the employer,To shorten the construction period.