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Acoustic Analysis of Western Yugur Language Monophthong Based on Experimental Phonetics

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DOI: 10.25236/adlh.2019.018


Shiliang Lyu

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Shiliang Lyu


Yugur language is the language used by the Yugur ethnic group with a small population in China. Yugur's native language is divided into two parts because of the factors of history, geography and language integration. Some people use the western Yugur language of the Turkic language family of the Altaic language family, while others use the eastern Yugur language of the Mongolian language family of the Altaic language family. Among them, the western Yugur language retains more features of the ancient Turkic language and is greatly influenced by the Chinese in its development and change. In this paper, experimental phonetics research methods are used to study the vowels of Western Yugur language. Through the analysis of the acoustic parameters of vowels, the acoustic characteristics of the vowels of Western Yugur language are finally obtained.


Western Yugur Language, Vowels, Experimental Phonetics, Vowel tongue position