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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Brief Study on Continuous and Integral Promotion of the Sinicization, Modernization and Popularization of Marxism

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DOI: 10.25236/adlh.2019.008


Yandong Wang

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Yandong Wang


This article focuses on "the overall analysis of the relationship between Sinicization, modernization and Popularization of Marxism ", "the basic experiences of the Communist Party of China in promoting China, the era, and the popularization". "The overall path of promoting China, the era, and the popularization" On the one hand, it has made in-depth analysis and research on the sinicization, modernization and popularization of Marxism, and put forward the path and countermeasures for the continuous promotion of Marxism in China, the era, and the popularization.


Overall, Marxism, Sinicization, Modernization, Popularization