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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Empirical Formula for Millimeter-Wave Radar Cross Sectional Area of Naval Vessels

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DOI: 10.25236/iciss.2019.066


Weidong Sun, Mei Yang

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Weidong Sun


Empirical formula for naval vessels' radar cross sectional area (RCS) has been outdated and inapplicable for millimeter wave. By a simulation method, the model based on the scattering mechanism of radar electric wave was build and verified, then millimeter-wave RCS of naval vessels based on different kinds of condition were imitated at calculator. After a great deal of simulation count outcome were sum up, estimate formulate for millimeter wave RCS of naval vessels was derivative, and then the RCS empirical formula can be used for ka-wave-band.


Millimeter wave, RCS, Simulation and analysis