The best way to conference proceedings by Francis Academic Press

Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press
Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Content Crowdsourcing and Digital Publishing

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DOI: 10.25236/iciss.2019.025


Shushu Gu, Xi Chen, and Linping Xu

Corresponding Author

Linping Xu


Zhihu that it is the most well-known knowledge-based Q&A community in China, it gathers the most creative people in the fields of science, technology, culture and culture on the Chinese Internet. This article discusses how the team relies on Zhihu the community and using content crowdsourcing for digital publishing. Content crowdsourcing needs to go through topic selection, editorial, crowdfunding publishing, digital publishing = content crowdsourcing + publishing crowdfunding. The socialized Q&A community knows that using the content crowdsourcing model to transform into publishing has provided new inspiration for the development of the digital publishing industry.


Content crowdsourcing, Digital publishing, Knowledge