Research on Transformation of Visual Culture and Development Path of Art Education in Universities
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DOI: 10.25236/icem.2019.171
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Shun Lv
With the development of high-tech, consumer culture, media culture and other fields, the transformation of visual culture has been promoted, which has caused people's lifestyle, aesthetic orientation and artistic concept to be strongly impacted. Compared with the printing culture, visual culture has the characteristics of mass, sensibility and virtuality, which will definitely affect all aspects of art education. College art education can't be separated from the times and life. Therefore, under the new visual culture background, college art education should pay more attention to the cultivation of students' visual perception ability and expression ability. This paper first discusses the new visual culture to the new requirements of college art education, and then proposes the college art education strategy based on the perspective of cultural transformation in order to promote the development of college art education and promote the synchronization of student development and social development.
Visual culture, College art education, Transformation, Development strategy