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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Innovation of Effective Ways of Ideological and Political Teaching in Colleges and Universities Based on Cognitive Experience

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DOI: 10.25236/ietrc.2019.051


Zaiqi Feng

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Zaiqi Feng


The teaching of ideological and political course cannot get enough attention from students, the teaching effect is not ideal, and the importance and effectiveness of ideological and political course are far from satisfactory. The teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities in China is confronted with many problems, and many new problems have arisen in the ideological and moral education of college students. With the deepening of educational reform in colleges and universities, many colleges and universities are actively implementing the requirements of the Ministry of Education. The teaching paradigm of ideological and political education in colleges based on cognitive experience is a teaching method that explores and innovates in the teaching practice of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities in recent years. The ideological and political theory class is the carrier of the country's mainstream ideology and the expression of the state's will. This paper combs the concept of cognitive experience, demonstrates the relationship between cognitive experience and political education in colleges and universities, and further elaborates the necessity and feasibility of using cognitive experience in the process of ideology and political education.


Ideological and Political Education, Educational Reform, Cognitive Experience