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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Construction of the Intelligent Tourism Application Model System under the Big Data Background

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DOI: 10.25236/etmhs.2019.351


Xin Yang

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Xin Yang


With the constant development of innovation-driven development strategy, intelligent tourism development based on the big data platform is increasingly concerned by stakeholders of tourist industry. The extensive application of Internet of Things, communication network and cloud computing enables China’s intelligent tourism to realize sustainable development. In this paper, based on connotative elaboration of big data and intelligent tourism, the author analyzes problems faced by intelligent tourism development under the big data background and constructs the intelligent tourism application model based on the big data platform. The model is divided into the sub-platform of governmental tourist department, sub-platform of travelers, sub-platform of tourist enterprises and sub-platform of community residents. Each sub-platform is based on big data to fulfill their duties. Under the big data background, realization of the intelligent tourism application model is good for achieving the cooperative win-win results for stakeholders of tourist industry and provides theoretical basis for comprehensive, coordinative and sustainable development of China’s tourist industry. At last, the author proposes the status and role of the intelligent tourism development under the big data background.


Big data, Application model system, Intelligent tourism