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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis and Research on the Modern University Classroom Teaching Quality Evaluation System

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DOI: 10.25236/fetms.2017.158


ZhenYu Qiu, Shuhua Bai, Haidong Yang

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ZhenYu Qiu


The classroom teaching evaluation system is one of the main teaching contents of the polytechnic major of colleges and universities, and it is an important practical teaching link throughout the whole teaching process. It plays an important and irreplaceable role in cultivating students' theoretical connection and realizing the goals of education and innovative talent cultivation. Modern teaching reform pays attention to the cultivation of the ability of innovation and solving practical problems according to the "knowledge + ability + quality" mode. This is because the training of talents cannot be separated from practice. It is only through practice that the quality of talents can meet the social needs. With the further development of teaching reform, to carry out the research on classroom teaching evaluation system of quality evaluation system, promote the construction of the classroom teaching evaluation system, reform and development, improve the quality of classroom teaching evaluation system and develop the students' scientific quality and innovation ability is of great significance.


College, Classroom Teaching, Evaluation System, Analysis and Research.