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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Development Course and Prospect of Informatization in the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities in China

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DOI: 10.25236/icssem.2024.081


Huiwen Yang, Anna Feng, Xuhan Wang

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Huiwen Yang


The location of the historic city is closely related to the geographical location and the beauty of mountains and rivers. The construction of the historic city is planned and laid out according to the traditional shape. The artificial and humanistic environment of the historic city has its own characteristics, bearing the main material and cultural heritage and excellent traditional culture of the city. Many historical and cultural cities used to be the capitals of different dynasties or the capitals of feudal princes and local governments for a long time. Their urban patterns reflected the hierarchical system and social development level, and political and cultural celebrities of past dynasties also left traces of their activities here. This paper attempts to analyze that in the process of transforming cultural heritage into cultural capital, cultural real estate, tourism real estate, etc. are commonly used reuse methods, and can be transformed through cultural industries or creative industries to further protect and develop this precious resource of history and culture, fully tap the historical and cultural connotation of the city, and realize development in protection.


China history and culture; Protection of famous cities; Informatization; Development history