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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Quality-oriented Education, Constructing the Cultivation Mode of Planting Professionals in Higher Vocational Schools

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DOI: 10.25236/icssem.2024.047


Qiong Yin, Junfeng Guo

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Junfeng Guo


This paper aims to delve into the present state, obstacles, strategic applications, and tangible impacts of quality education within the context of cultivating planting professionals in higher vocational institutions. Through a comprehensive examination of educational models, curricula, teaching techniques, and evaluation systems specific to planting specialties in these schools, it uncovers prevalent issues and deficiencies in current talent development practices. In light of these findings, the study emphasizes the pivotal role of quality education in shaping the planting specialty within higher vocational education. It further elaborates on the goals and direction of quality education, advocating for curriculum reforms, teaching method innovations, and evaluation system enhancements. To validate the efficacy of this quality education approach, the paper presents a case study focusing on a specific planting program at a higher vocational school. It details the implementation of quality education practices and, through comparative analysis and impact assessments, demonstrates the positive influence of quality education on elevating students' overall capabilities, bolstering their employability, and facilitating professional growth. The research conclusions offer valuable insights for reforming and modernizing the education of planting professionals in higher vocational settings, serving as a solid foundation for policymaking and practical guidance in this domain.


Quality education; Higher vocational education; Planting major; Personnel training