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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Multi-dimensional assessment in the electric bus transition: a comprehensive analysis of economic, environmental and social impacts

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DOI: 10.25236/icssem.2024.020


Wu Yixi

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Wu Yixi


This article comprehensively assesses the multi-dimensional impacts of the electric bus transition on the economy, environment and society. Research reveals the important role of electric buses in promoting sustainable development of urban transportation. On the economic level, the promotion of electric buses has created new job opportunities, especially in high-tech fields, and has had an impact on the traditional automobile industry. Environmentally, electric buses significantly reduce exhaust emissions and noise pollution and improve air quality, but the battery production and disposal process also brings new challenges. At the social level, the popularization of electric buses has improved social equity, improved the quality of life of urban residents, and had a positive impact on the long-term development of the urban transportation system. This article emphasizes the joint responsibilities of the government, industry and all sectors of society in promoting the transformation of electric buses, and points out the trends and potential problems in future electric bus development.


electric bus; sustainable development; economic impact; environmental impact; social impact; urban transportation