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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Exploration and Practice of Curriculum System Construction of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Vocational Schools from the Perspective of Educational-business Alliances

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DOI: 10.25236/icssem.2024.011


Jing Liu

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Jing Liu


This article aims to investigate and implement the establishment of an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education (IEE) curriculum system in vocational schools, emphasizing collaboration between academic institutions and businesses. Given the current relevance and significance of IEE in this educational setting, the article initially highlights the critical role and impact of school-enterprise partnerships in advancing IEE. Through a comprehensive literature survey, the article then synthesizes existing research findings on IEE and school-enterprise collaborations in vocational schools, laying a solid theoretical foundation for the study. Methodologically, the article focuses on a specific vocational school as a case study, presenting practical instances of IEE implementation within a school-enterprise framework. A combined qualitative and quantitative analysis is conducted to assess the effectiveness of this approach. The findings reveal that the collaborative IEE curriculum has significantly enhanced students' innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities, heightened their awareness of these domains, and boosted their engagement in related activities. In conclusion, the research outcomes offer valuable insights for promoting the reform and advancement of IEE in vocational schools, emphasizing the pivotal role of school-enterprise collaborations.


Educational-business alliances; Higher vocational schools; Innovation and entrepreneurship education; Curriculum system