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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Planning and Design of Rural Housing in Northeast China and Regional Research on Towns

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DOI: 10.25236/icssem.2024.008


Huang Wei, Liu Yonggang

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Huang Wei


Under the premise of urban construction and urbanization, the design of urban living environment should be people-oriented, preserve its own history and personality, or have rich public and communication spaces, which has become increasingly important. On the contrary, the existing living space in traditional villages reflects a humanized concept and atmosphere that is often lacking in modern urban life. So, the design of new rural housing in the construction of new rural areas should not be a replication of urban residential areas, nor should it be a reconstruction of the original village. Instead, it should fully respect the traditional cultural atmosphere of the village and the living habits of the villagers. On the basis of meeting the physiological and psychological needs of residents, attention should be paid to their emotional needs, and modern design techniques should be used to create living spaces that are harmonious with the overall atmosphere and suitable for modern life.


rural housing; planning and design; urban rural integration