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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis of Precision Marketing Paths for Rural Tourism under the Background of the Internet

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DOI: 10.25236/ssehr.2023.027


Huizi Zheng

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Huizi Zheng


Nowadays, national travel to rural areas has become a core component of the tourism industry. Rural tourism has been implementing and practicing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to improve the cultural quality of the industry, in both current and future development. The development mode of rural tourism is rough, with a relatively late start and inadequate infrastructure, making it incomparable to urban tourism projects. Therefore, the primary concern for relevant personnel is how to analyze tourists' needs more thoroughly to achieve precise marketing. This paper analyzes the current development of rural tourism marketing and studies the methods of precise marketing for rural tourism under the backdrop of the internet, with the aim of promoting the development of rural tourism and improving economic benefits.


Internet background; Rural tourism; Precision marketing; Marketing methods