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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on the Path of Improving Farmers' Scientific and Technological Literacy in Sichuan Ethnic Areas

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DOI: 10.25236/icemeet.2023.061


Aihong Liu, Zili Chen, Rage Azi, Zhang Yuan, Mao Ruiyi

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Aihong Liu


As a basic goal of international science education, STL (Scientific and Technical Literacy) is the cornerstone of the two major goals of popularizing science and improving the quality of science education in the current reform of science education. A farmer with scientific quality should be able to evaluate the reliability of scientific information according to the source of information and the methods used to produce it. The remarkable promotion of STL in rural areas is of great practical significance for realizing agricultural and rural modernization and rural revitalization. Based on the current situation of farmers' STL in Sichuan ethnic areas, this paper studies and analyzes farmers' knowledge level and the media for obtaining scientific knowledge. Based on the perspective of STL communication, this paper puts forward the promotion path of farmers' STL in Sichuan ethnic areas in order to make some useful supplements to the research on promoting farmers' STL.


Sichuan; Ethnic Areas; Scientific and Technological Literacy; Farmers