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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Practice and Thinking of Bilingual Digital Logic Circuit Teaching

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DOI: 10.25236/ehmit.2021.014


Hua-ben WANG

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Hua-ben WANG


Connecting with the world and opening the future bilingual teaching has become the trend of the future development of colleges and universities. in line with "to the course of life, let the education alive" the idea, colleges and universities began to select the bilingual curriculum teaching reform, the goal is to make the universities open courses to keep pace with The Times, based on the digital logic circuit bilingual course teaching as a benchmark, Firstly, the characteristics of digital Logic Circuit, bilingual teaching materials, content and Proteus simulation practice are analyzed. Then, some teaching methods and laws are summarized. Finally, the problems encountered in bilingual teaching practice and solutions are analyzed.


Proteus, Fresh, Analyze