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Research on Range and Forms of English Idioms from the Perspective of Understanding and Application

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DOI: 10.25236/ICHCAD.2020.047


Linli Chen, Fei CHEN

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Linli Chen


The understanding and application of idioms is not an easy task. As an indispensable part of language, idioms best mirror the national characteristics embodied in a language and are thus always rich in cultural connotation and national flavor, which are necessary for learners to know while learning. Since idiom possesses several meanings which might cause some confusion to people, their understanding is quite hard in most cases. English and Chinese are abundant in idioms. Idioms are the most difficult part to render in both languages. It is worth discussing on better understanding their meanings by making clear the definition of idioms and the classification of the range and forms of English idioms, so as to better understand and convey the meaning of English idioms in such a way that it will impose the same effect on the target reader as the original does upon the original reader. In this paper, range and forms of English idioms will be introduced, hoping to cast some enlightenment on further research in this field.


English idioms; Language; Range; Forms